Christmas is a great time to reflect on the year that’s passed – especially when a few of us in Australia get to visit a number of Christmas celebrations in our centres in early December, and then have a huge dinner for all our Cambodian staff team. They are now a big and dynamic team and I confess that it’s been a while since I knew all their names. There are around 300 full-time now and they are unbelievable in their passion, commitment and abilities. I celebrate them because they are the ones who are day by day building the thousands of Transform lives.
Another 18 of our high school graduates started university this year. Andrea and I were (nicely) surprised when all 18 of them interrupted a meeting of managers back in September to give us a gift and asked if they could pray for us. They are exceptional young adults. I guess we are beginning to see the fruits of the last 11 years’ labour. These are exceptional young people with exciting futures. I clearly remember many people in-country 11 years ago who told us that we shouldn’t expect to be able to change these kids’ lives. I have learned that God is no respecter of persons – it doesn’t matter where you were born. Our past does not have to predict our future.
We have very exciting plans for 2018, which I will explain as we go. Let me just say that I believe it’s time to turn Transform’s focus outward to the community rather than pretty well inward as we have sought to input carefully and deliberately into our kids. I sense that there is a huge momentum building when God will sweep through Cambodia releasing and blessing people in unprecedented numbers.
Of course you’re a big part of what Transform is. We are a team. Thank you so much for belonging. Andrea and I extend to you our warmest Christmas greetings.