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Recently the Transform team headed over to Sydney to launch with our newest Major Partner, Lifegate Church.

What started as a conversation 5 years ago in a Phnom Penh café between Transform Chairman, Mark Patterson, and Lifegate members Sam and Mark Bulmer, is now a fulfillment of Lifegate’s desire to expand their missions program into Cambodia.

Lifegate Pastor, Ps Nathan Green, and his church congregation hosted a wonderful service which celebrated the partnership between Transform and Lifegate. The energy and sense of momentum tells me that they are in for some exciting times.

It was a hugely successful launch where 63 children from Centre 33, now the Lifegate Centre, found a caring sponsor. This means 63 children from abject poverty will be transformed forever. And not only that, the blessing will flow onto their families and hundreds more.

Finally, the day was made extra special with the Lifegate Centre Manager, Lynin, coming from Phnom Penh to Sydney to join with us. Lynin’s heart for the kids in his Centre and passion to serve each and every one of them was evident and highlights the love and care that these kids are now experiencing.

On behalf of Transform Cambodia we thank Ps Nathan, Mark and Sam Bulmer, and the Lifegate church family.