About Kingdomcity Five

Partner: Kingdomcity Church

Centre 20 was launched in 2013 and is the fifth Centre sponsored by Kingdomcity Church! Since our Centre launched we have watched our kids grow into confident, thoughtful young people of awesome faith. We love helping them identify their unique talents and nurture these gifts to grow – like Chom Rath who is an amazing singer, or Chea Sokheng who helps to decorate our Centre with beautiful art. Our kids also inspire us with their joy and perseverance – they know they are children of God and they step into his plan for their lives. In Transform, we focus on character building skills such as leadership, and it’s awesome to see our kids grow into great leaders of their own lives and in their community. Through Kids Club, they go into the community and find ways to serve – from ministering to younger kids with activities and lessons, to collecting rubbish and cleaning the streets – the transformation grows from our Centre and outwards into the community.


Note: Not all enrolled students are pictured above.

Kingdomcity Five