About Riverview Centre Two

Partner: Riverview Church

Our Centre launched in 2016, and what an awesome time we’ve been having since then! The second Centre sponsored by Riverview Church in Western Australia, C29 is located in northern Phnom Penh near Centres 12, 18 and 31. We have a great relationship with these Centres – especially C31 as our kids are similar in age so they love to play together, and our staff often meet to lesson plan together and share ideas. All our staff teams love to help each other out wherever we can – we are separate Centres but one family in Christ.

We love to see how much our kids have grown already, and we have so much hope for their future. We love to help our kids identify their unique gifts through our Creative Genius program and see them grow these special talents. Their persistence is often inspiring, finding a dream and going for it – even though we are the teachers, we learn a lot from our kids! This is why working in Transform is not just a job for us, it is a mission to transform this Nation by building great lives.


Note: Not all enrolled students are pictured above.

Riverview Centre Two